5 Ways to Stay Healthy While Studying at Home

home studying

With most colleges and universities closed, millions of students across the country found themselves back at home, away from their friends and teachers. However, they still have to continue their education, which is why they’ve been given alternative ways to study outside of the traditional classroom setting.

Some of the solutions we’ve seen so far include online classrooms, teleconferencing, and even videos and podcasts. While students from colleges have to learn to adjust to remote education, it’s also important to help them stay focused on learning and avoid online distractions.

1. Limit smartphone use

To help keep your focus on your coursework, you might want to limit nonessential smartphone and tablet use until you’re finished. We’ve all been there. Studying alone can get old fast, and checking your phone allows you a quick respite from the situation. But before you know it, you’ve wasted an hour checking your social media and watching videos.

2. Set aside a quiet space

Most college students achieve their best work in a private and comfortable space dedicated to studying. It doesn’t have to be quiet either. You can play all the music you want if that’s your style, just make sure you have the entire space to yourself. Ideally, the study space should be separate from the bedroom.

Since you’ll be spending hours every day sitting and staring at the computer screen, you also might want to invest in an ergonomic chair to minimize discomfort.

3. Take lots of breaks

girl studying in her roomSpending hours in front of the computer day after day can take its toll on a person’s mental and physical health. Make sure to take lots of breaks away from the screen to allow your brain and body to recharge. You can set the alarm to remind you to get up and grab a snack or go for a quick walk.

4. Talk to friends

Online learning isn’t the same as face-to-face interaction with your teachers and classmates. But until the schools reopen, you’ll have to do your coursework in the safety and isolation of your room.

Make it a point to message or video chat your friends once in a while to keep yourself from feeling socially isolated. You can also have video consultations with your teachers if you have questions about your coursework.

5. Print out your coursework

Overexposure to screens can have a detrimental effect on your mind and body, so it’s important to find ways to facilitate learning that minimize the negative impact of computer fatigue.

For instance, you can print out your coursework instead of using a computer or tablet for reading. If available, you can also check online for used copies of your books and readings to keep costs low.

Remote learning is challenging for students, teachers, and administrators. It’s important to maintain mental and physical health while studying in isolation so that when the schools reopen, you’d have no trouble adjusting back to normal life. Ask for help and support from friends and family if you feel that the burden is too great.

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