Main Concerns on Parenting Schoolchildren and How to Address Them

parents with child

A child’s ability to soar in their chosen field is affected by the kind of home they were raised in. According to research from the University of California, a parent’s long-term goal for their child affects the child’s performance as early as kindergarten. Studies have established that families’ socioeconomic status plays a significant role in a child’s success.

However, this study uncovered a revelation that slightly drives away from that long-held fact. Regardless of a family’s income and assets, parents who see right from the start that their child will go to college can help their kids achieve that goal. This highlights how vital parenting has over a child’s academic journey from kindergarten to college.

Even before the pandemic happened, parents constantly juggled concerns about their kids’ mental and emotional well-being as well as safety and security. These are some of the main concerns of parents about their school kids:

The Concern: Academic Success

As children progress to higher stages of education, the more worries and concerns parents have to deal with. When they start school, parents worry if they have enough social skills to make friends and not feel alone. When they miss getting higher grades, academic performance becomes an issue.

Parents are concerned if their home is an environment that is conducive to children’s learning. It is a cause of concern as well when a child doesn’t show interest in school. When this happens and a child’s report card doesn’t show excellence, what should parents do?

The Solution: Understanding Multiple Intelligences

An important thing to understand for parents is that children are different from one another. Each has its strengths and weaknesses. That applies to their performance in school. And not to mention there are multiple intelligences. Being good at math or science is not the only measure if your child is doing well.

Data shows that children usually live up to the high expectations of their parents. That is, given that they believe that meeting that expectation is possible. However, you should be aware that there is a fine line between expectation and pressure. Don’t tell them that you expect them to do well and get into a good university. That will not motivate them. Not caring about their grades and school progress will not do the trick either.

The Concern: School safety

In 2018, there was an average of one school shooting incident per week in the United States. The K-12 Shooting Database is a website maintained by the Center for Homeland Defense and Security. According to this website, 2018 had the most active shooters from data collected since 1970.

The data also points to students as the main perpetrators of such incidents. ALmost 21.5 percent of the incidents happen in parking lots, and they usually coincide with morning classes. The usual cause of these violent incidents is a minor dispute that escalated while 10 percent were accidents.

a group of students

And the government’s response is to improve the situation through programs of the Department of Homeland Security. The government handed guidelines on threat assessment and active shooter preparedness for school personnel.

This major concern has been a reality for all parents until now. Even amid the pandemic, when children are not in schools, the rate of gun violence involving children rose 30 percent.

The Solution: Demand for Tighter Laws and Regulations

There are endless debates on how schools can curtail these incidents. After some pressure from parents demanding enhanced safety and security, some school administrators have even implemented measures such as installing surveillance systems and random locker checks in their schools. This is the only thing parents like you can do aside from teaching your kids about gun safety.

There is no overnight solution to this systemic problem. But there are ways you can actively participate in the calls to stop such violent acts. Join organizations like “Moms Demand Action” to support causes against gun violence.

The Concern: Mental Health

One of the biggest problems kids grapple with is mental health issues. What exacerbates the problem is the existing stigma that surrounds mental illnesses. Children often keep it to themselves when they feel something is wrong with them mentally for fear of judgment.

There are a lot of factors that contribute to the development of mental issues in children, like school and social media. Usually, parents only know about their children’s condition when it is already at a severe stage.

The Solution: Providing a Supportive Environment

At home, you should pay attention to your child’s behavior. If you notice that there is a problem, talk to them. Having an established line of open communication at home will help them get through their problems.

One big step toward helping your kid get through mental health problems is encouraging them to get professional help. Mental illnesses, like physical illnesses, get better through doctors’ intervention. Be there for them throughout the whole process.

Parenting is a challenging role. There is no manual on how you can be a perfect parent to your kids. However, knowing that you always have your children’s best interest at heart is a step in the right direction.

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